insulating tape 绝缘胶带
jack 千斤顶
can, jerrican 油桶
fuel 燃油
petrol 汽油 (美作:gas)
oil 油料
lubrication, oiling 润滑油
antifreeze 防冻液
cooling water 冷却水
antiskid 防滑装置
tyre chain 防滑链 (美作:tire chain)
toolbox, tool kit 工具箱
crank 摇把
breakdown lorry, breakdown van 救援车辆 (美作:tow car,tow truck)
spare parts, spares 备件
dipstick 油尺
oil change 换油
to vulcanize 硫化
to inflate 充气
tyre pressure 轮胎气压 (美作:tire pressure)
to fill the tank 加油
petrol pump 加油泵 (美作:gasoline pump)
pump, air pump 气泵
to adjust 整修
to charge a battery, to recharge a battery 给蓄电池充电
to decoke 脱硫 (美作:to decarbonize)
breakdown 故障
mechanical failure 机械故障
repair shop 维修车间
to seize up 运转不畅
accident 事故
puncture, blowout 碰撞
patch 修补
to skid 打滑
to knock 发出撞击声
to tow, to take in tow 拖,拖曳
accident insurance 事故保险
insurance against theft 防盗保险
fully comprehensive insurance 全险
third-party insurance 第三方保险