




四、单项选择 21-25 ADBDC 26-30 BCCCD

五、完形填空 31-35 ABABC 36-40 ACBDD 41-45 ACBDC

六. 阅读理解

46-50 CBCAB 51--55 BCDBB 56-60 ADBBC 61-65 CAEFD


66.exciting , 67.unluckily , 68.seeing , 69. born , 70.life,

71.stories , 72.later , 73.Neither , 74.making , 75.necessary


76.repeat 77.harder 78. lay 79.mistakes 80.convient

81.Attention 82.Business 83.address 84.patient 85postcards/photos


Dear Li Ming,

I’m glad to receive your letter.In your letter you asked me about how to learn English well.I think you must listen carefully and be active in class.Speak as much as possible.Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.You’d better read widely and learn some important parts by heart.You should practice writing often.Of course there are many other ways.You can also watch English films,learn tosing English songs or make pen pals with foreigns.They are all very helpful.Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.I’m sure you’ll learn English well.


Li Hua



11—15 ABADC 16—20 ADABA 21—25 ACCDA


26—30 ADBBA 31—35 CBCCD 36—40 BADDB

五、阅读理解 (每题2分,计30分)

41—45 CBDAC 46—50 BBCAB 51—55 BCAAB 56-60 CDAFE


61. one 62. what 63. visitors 64. where 65. so

66. or 67. invited 68. inside 69. around 70. pleased


71. cause 72. filled 73. below 74. remained 75. Daily

76. whenever 77. twice 78. unless 79. against 80. following

八.书面表达(possible version)

The students of our class have different ideas about whether we ask teachers for help with homework problems. Those who prefer to ask teachers for help think that teachers can explain clearly, and it will be a good chance to communicate with teachers. However, some disagree. On one hand, they are too shy to ask teachers for help. On the other hand, they are afraid to be laughed at by others.


As for me, I would like to ask teachers for help. I can get more ways for my study. It is easier to solve the problems with their help, and I can save more time in homework. Teachers can help me a lot. (96个字)

高一英语暑假作业 ( 三 )

四、单项选择 (共15小题,计15分)

16. C 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. C

21. A 22. B 23. D 24. B 25. B

26. C 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. C


31. A 32. A 33. C 34. A 35. B

36. B 37. C 38. B 39. D 40. A

41. C 42. B 43. D 44. A 45. A


46. B 47. D 48. A 49. C 50. B

51. A 52. B 53. C 54. C 55. A

56. A 57. B 58. B 59. A 60. C

61. C 62. E 63. A 64. D 65. F

七、词语填空 (共10小题,计10分)

66. appeared 67.shows 68. users’ 69. whether 70. popular

71. However 72. suitable 73. difficulty/difficulties 74. weather 75. difference

八、单词拼写 (共10小题,计10分)

76. Wednesday 77. between 78. whose 79. birth 80. repaired

81. under 82. rainy 83. means 84. clearly 85. _exercising__

九、书面表达 (共1小题,计15分)

One possible version:

There are many brave people in the world who are willing to help others no matter what happens. Last Sunday afternoon, an old granny was selling newspapers at the bus stop in the centre of the city. Suddenly, a strong man ran past her and robbed her of her money. It happened so quickly that the old granny could do nothing but cried sadly. Just at that time, a middle-aged man came from behind. He rushed to the robber and put up a good fight with him. At last, he caught the robber successfully.

How brave and helpful the man is! If we all give a hand to people in need, the world will be much better.




16—20 DBCDA 21—25 BCCAD

五、 完形填空(共15小题,计15分)

26—30 BDACB 31—35 DACBA 36—40 DCADB


41—45 BAACD 46—50 BDACB 51—55 DDCCB 56—60 CFADE


61. spent 62. doing 63. hobbies 64. what/whatever 65. until

66. carefully 67. makes 68. without 69. much 70. relax


71.attention 72. failed 73. except 74. support 75.national

76. widely 77. stolen 78.plenty 79. European 80. prefer


(One Possible version)

I still remember the story as if it happened yesterday. That year I was a middle school student in Grade Eight. Although I tried my best to work hard at all my English till late night, I still failed to pass the exam. I was afraid to face my parents and really didn’t want to let them down. How upset and disappointed I was!

Luckily, My friend Kate knew what had happened. She was kind and warm-hearted. She comforted me from time to time. She encouraged me to keep on studying. Even she taught me how to study English. I was deeply moved by what she did. With her great help , I improved my English quickly. What she did reminds me of the old saying: A friend in need is a friend indeed.

From my unforgettable experience above, I have learned the importance of helping others. I will be ready to offer my help to those who need help.



四、单项填空 (共15小题,计15分,每小题1分)

11-15 ACDBA 16-20 CDABD 21-25 CBACD

五、完形填空 (共15小题,计15分,每小题1分)

26-30. DCCCA 31-35. BDCBA 36-40. CDBDA

六、阅读理解 (共15小题,计30分,每小题2分)


41---45 ACDDB 46-50 BDACC 51---55 DBBCA 56---60 BAFEC

七、词语填空 (共10小题,计10分,每小题1分,其中大小写错误不计,拼写错误或单词没变形0.5分)

61. difficult 62. different 63. what 64. policemen 65. those

66. learning 67. stopped 68. happier 69. from 70. others

八、单词拼写 (共10小题,计10分,每小题1分,大小写错误不计)

71. herself 72. months 73. earlier 74. helpful 75. attention

76. talking 77. except 78. weighed 79. personal 80. cheer

九、书面表达 (共1题,计15分,按中考书面表达五档评分标准,严格控制最低分)

One possible version:

Dear Li Hong,

I’m glad that you are coming to study in the US. I know you are a shy girl, and sometimes don’t know how to make new friends. But don’t worry, I have some good suggestions for you.

Firstly, it’s easier for you to make friends if you find the same interests or hobbies with people around you. Secondly, always be friendly to others. And remember: smiling always helps. Another important thing is to be a good listener. It’s better to listen carefully than to keep talking about yourself. Finally, you need to be brave. There’s nothing to worry about. Just enjoy your new life!

Hope to see you soon!



四、 单项填空

16—20 BBCAC 21—25 ACBBD 26—30 DCCBC


31--35 CDCBC 36--40ABCCB 41—45BCBAD


46—50BBCAD 51—55 CACCA 56-60 DABAD 61-65 BCAED七、词语填空

66. strict 67. Knives 68. but 69. that 70. without

71. passengers 72. especially 73. taken 74. under 75. includes


76. goodbye 77. ourselves 78. unless 79. differently 80. dried

81. nervous 82. except 83. provide 84. mistake 85. months’



16-20 CBBDD 21-25 DAACC 26-30 ABCCB



31-35 CBADC 36-40 DBADD 41-45 CBBAB



46-50 BBACD 51-55 BCBAD 56-60 BACBA 61-65 FCBED


66.healthy 67.why 68.anywhere 69.easier 70.bike

71.works/ work 72. fly 73. travelers 74. to 75. like


76.library 77.fell 78.closing 79. sometimes 80.across

81. eyes 82. interested 83. though 84.forty 85. quieter





四、单项填空 (共15小题,计15分,每小题1分)

16---20 BADAD 21---25 DCCBA 26---30 BCBCD

五、完形填空 (共15小题,计15分,每小题1分)

31---35 CABAC 36---40 BCDAB 41---45 DCBAD

六、阅读理解 (共15小题,计30分,每小题2分)

46-50 DBACD 50-55 CABAC 55-60 ADCBA 61-65 FDAEB


66. shoved 67. without 68. done 69. memorize 70. Then

71. who 72. easier 73. differences 74. right 75. later

八、单词拼写 (共10小题,计10分,每小题1分,大小写错误不计)

76. cutting 77. written 78. visitors 79. across 80. January

81. Attention 82. sometimes 83. itself 84. expect 85. foreign

九、书面表达 (共1题,计15分,按中考书面表达五档评分标准,格控制最低分)

One possible version:



16—20 ABCCB 21—25 CABBD 26—30 CBDCB


31—35 ACBDA 36—40 DBCDA 41—45 DBCBA


46-50 CDDAB 51-55 BACCD 56-60 DCADB 61-65 CDFBE


66—70 Recently, among, worrying/worried, being, only

71—75 surprising, schoolwork, What, make, Also


76—80 February, believe, toward(s), theirs, felt

81—85 quarter, twelve, allowed, bridges, weak


One possible version:

Dear Jim,

How are you? I’m really glad that you are interested in Chinese traditional festivals. I’d like to introduce the Spring Festival to you.

The Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China. It usually comes in January or February. People get together to have a big dinner, give best wishes to each other and play fireworks. Children receive lucky money from parents. I like the Spring Festival because during this festival, I can wear new clothes, eat delicious food and have fun with friends.


Can you tell me something about your favorite festival?


Li Tao


第一节 单项填空

16—20 BACAB 21-25: ADDCA

第二节 完形填空

26-30 ADCCB 31-35: CBADC 36-40: CBBAB

第三部分 阅读理解

41—55 ADCBD B C B D A B C B D B 56~60 BAFDC

第四部分 写作

第一节 词语填空

61. visited 62. As 63. save 64. tickets 65. quickly

66. closed 67. ourselves 68. interested 69. go 70. although

第二节 单词拼写

71. price 72. died 73. proud 74. healthier 75. habit

76. born 77. except 78. tastes 79. months’ 80. knocking

第三节 书面表达



16-20 DBDBC 21-25 BADCA


26-30. DCCCA 31-35 BBBAD 36-40BCBAC


41-45DBDAC 46-50 CDCAD 51-55 CCDAB 55-56 DBEAC


61. anything 62. found 63. spread 64. China’s 65. Tens

66. with 67. meanings 68. as 69. that 70.but


71. hers 72. healthily 73. journey 74. everywhere 75. believes 76. temperature 77. changing 78. against 79. while 80. bright


Last Saturday, Tom had a very busy day. In the morning he got up early to do his homework. Then after breakfast he began to practice playing the piano. In the afternoon, he went to learn painting. He had no time to relax the whole day. He was so tired that he fell ill. He was taken to hospital.

In China, many parents are too strict with their children. They expect them to be successful in the future, so they make their children attend all kinds of classes on weekends. I think it is very harmful to children’s health.




21-25 DBABC 26-30 BCDBA


31-35 CBCDA 36-40 CDAB 41-45 ACCBC



46-50 BDCDA 51-55 CABDC 56-60 AADBD



61-65 BFCAE



66.heard 67.good 68. how 69.like 70. personal

71.differences 72.Besides 73. topics 74. terrible 75. are


76. effort 77.regreted 78. prevented 79. instruments 80. patient

81. attend 82. shut 83. awful 84. silent 85. pleasure





16—20 ADBBA 21—25 CCABD 26—30 DACDA


31—35 CCDCD 36—40 BADAB 41—45 CDACC


46—50 BDACD 51—55 ADCCA 56-60 BDACB 61—65 DAFBE


66. along 67. saying 68. pleasure 69. how 70. hid

71. where 72. hard 73. touched 74. loud 75. lesson

七、单词拼写(10分) (单词拼错不给分)

76. advertisement 77. prefer 78. belonging 79. active 80. share 81. remained

82. wide 83. receive 84. carelessness 85. suddenly

八、书面表达(15分)(One possible version)

It can be hard to choose the best gift for kids, but it reminds me of a story of mine. When I was 12 years old, my mom gave me a pet dog as a gift. I still remember how excited I was. However, raising a pet dog was not as simple as I imagined. I was supposed to feed it on time, take it out for a walk and bathe it every day with great care. Soon I found myself more well-organized and independent than ever before.

Personally, nothing could be better than a pet dong as a gift for kids, for it takes time and energy to attend to. And above all, it can serve as training for future bigger responsibilities.

高 一英语暑假作业(十四)答案


16-20 CABBD 21-25 AABBD


26-30 BACAC 31-35. DBCDC 36-40. CDABC


41-45 CBADA 46-50 BDBCB 51-55 ADDCB 56-60 BDCAB


61. best 62. that 63. All 64. used 65. its


66. chosen 67. convenient 68. walking 69. so 70. manager


71. secret 72. fridge 73. noisy 74. lying 75. mine

76. divides 77.knives 78. accidents 79. present 80. receiving



16—20 CBBCC 21—25 ABCDB 26—30 ADBCA


31—35 ACDBA 36—40 DBDBA 41—45 DABCC


46—50 DBACC 51—55 CBDDB 56—60 DADBA 61-65 FBDCE

六、词语填空(15分)( 形式不对不给分)

66. willing 67. where 68. easier 69. activities 70. nature

71 doubts 72. but 73. yourself 74.at 75. even

七、单词拼写(10分) (单词拼错不给分)

76. guide 77. behaves 78. promised 79. graduation 80. tradition

81. managed 82. prevented 83. brave 84. return 85. wonder

八、书面表达(15分)(One possible version)

Not great as it is, I’d like to share with you my progress in my study in these years. To be honest, I was not so good at my study when I came to middle school, often feeling tired out and at a loss. Sometimes, I was even on the point of giving up. However, my change happened when my teachers as well as my classmates came to encourage me one day in junior two. It was their encouragement and my own thinking that resulted in my slow but steady progress.

Still not a top student as I am now, I have found myself filled with confidence and power to face any difficulty and challenge. There is no denying that I am bound to fight for my dream to the end in the following months!

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