






  4、with/ without复合结构

  All things _________, the planned trip will have to be called off.

  A) considered B) be considered C) considering D) having considered

  注:分词题型中 having +ed 都不要考虑

  The speaker, _________ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience .A) having known B) being known C) knowing D) known

  注:having + v-ed做定语和状语都不会是答案

  Homework _________ on time will lead to better grades.

  A) done B) be done C) having done D) to have been done

  The speech _________, a lively discussion started.

  A) being delivered B) was delivered C) be delivered D) having been delivered

  注:1. 考的是过去式独立主格结构。

  2. 按时间顺序,先讲座后讨论,所以选D.

  As early as 1647 Ohio made a decision that free, tax-supported schools must be established in every town _____ 50 households or more.

  A) having B) to have C) to have had D) having had

  The speech which he made _____ the project has bothered me greatly.

  A) being concerned B) concerned C) be concerned D) concerning

  注:1. which he made定语从句本身不是划线的内容的话,可以将其去掉不考虑。

  2. concerning 为介词,关于。相当于 about/ over(国外常用); concerning/ as to(国内考试用)。

  3. bother 打扰;brother 兄弟 fiend 魔鬼;friend 朋友

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