


  childbearing                                               抚养孩子

  feminism                                                     女权主义者

  be financially independent                            经济独立

  be independent                                           独立

  be male dominated                                      男性为主

  be promoted to a higher position                 升职

  be treated equally                                       平等对待

  bear a child                                                 抚养孩子

  career woman                                             职业妇女

  do the chores                                              做家务

  enjoy equal rights                                        享受平等权利

  go out of their homes                                  走出家庭

  have equal rights with                                  与…有同等权力

  job assignment                                            工作分配

  male chauvinism                                          大男子主义

  covert discrimination                                   公开歧视

  receive equal treatment                               受到平等对待

  role of the mother (father)                           母亲(父亲)角色

  sex discrimination                                        性别歧视

  share the burden (housework)                     分担家务

  take up a career                                          开始职业

  the economic basis for equality                    平等的经济基础

  the female role                                            女性角色

  the oppressed sex                                       受压迫的性别


  women’s liberation movement                     妇女运动

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